I had a choice between buying a felting needle that said "Let's Handcraft Felt!" and the "Engrish" version. Japan is full of amazing Engrish and whenever I get a chance to collect some amazing Engrish, I do! Check out Engrish.com for many great examples. If you like to make found poetry or collect ridiculous t-shirts (like the one I gave my sister Jaime for Christmas-- sorry Jaime! It was too good to pass up...) Japan is the place to be.
Japan is also the place to be if you want to buy what I like to call a "yellephant."
For 100 yen this beauty can be yours, too! Along with countless cheap-but-too-cute-and-weird-to-resist things... Okay, maybe I am the only person on earth who would cherish a putrescent-yellow, plastic watering can that's shaped like an elephant and doesn't even work properly.
So let's just folget about it and just handcraft fert and water our prants!
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