Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hot and Cold

"Green Landscape"

This is one of the paintings I finished this week.  Even though I am fighting a cold (my weapons being raw garlic and lots of water) I am really excited to get applications out to the BEMIS and Irish Museum of Modern Art tomorrow or the next day.  I learned a lot about painting last weekend.  I didn't do anything particularly different (like go to a gallery or residency) except that I had a critique with Mikel.  We both decided it is really important to have official critiques with each other.   It was great to work toward the crit time.  I haven't done that for a while and it really forced me to make smarter decisions as I was working.  It allowed me to work faster and didn't allow me to overwork my paintings (as I usually do).  

I have been working on little sculptures that will be displayed in a dark room with (hopefully moving) spotlights.  I installed a couple pieces in our bathroom (which has no windows) so that each time I hang out on the porcelain throne I play with the lighting.  The pieces are really magical when the light moves a certain way so I am really excited.  The only problem is that I have no ability thus far to do anything with machines, even simple ones, so this will be a learning curve for me to be able to make a light that moves the way I want it to.  

Here is a test photo of one sculpture:

It's not lit well enough or the way I want it to, and it doesn't show that magic I'm talking about (which can only be seen in person!) but the image is interesting to me anyway. I'm really proud of my sculptures and really excited about the direction my work is going!

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