Thursday, December 18, 2008

Japan Updates

Bus stop pose!  
Wearing the beautiful rain boots that Clare sent me last Christmas.  I LOVE them and I get many comments about them from my co-workers.  They go nicely with my drab atire.  
(I should really think about adding some color to my wardrobe!  Its just depressing.)
I haven't posted many travel pics for a while.  
We recently went to Matsumoto 
and also recently made food with some Minis so here's the proof!
This is really funny because I was SERIOUSLY scared to be up that high.

Happy Holidays from Japan Land! 
(I made my hat and mittens out of a second hand sweater.)  
This was a restaurant in Matsumoto that our buddy Alli took us on Thanksgiving.  We ate chocolate crepe cake, pumpkin cake and chestnut cake after we had already stuffed ourselves at an excellent Indian restaurant.

You can see our cute plates.  Mikey was taking the pic.  
Ropes Course Magic! 
 Too bad I am afraid of heights (like I said) which also includes heights of three feet...  
That's Alli behind me.  If you are a Facebook friend you can stalk me and see many other sweet, flattering photos we took that weekend.

Here I am helping to plate green mushy dessert.  I think it was made of sweet white beans.  It was pretty tasty.  This school has only six students (1st through 6th grade!!) so it's really fun to hang out with them  They are all really energetic and cute.  
Gotta go home now.  Peace owt!  More soon...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's great to see the details of your life in Japan! have a wonderful holiday, Meg!