Saturday, March 14, 2009

A Lady's Room

Who's the lady?  Me?  Hrmm...  
Here's my studio this weekend (and my kitchen, living room and Mikel's studio).  In front of the white cupboard you can see (maybe) my current endeavor: Optimistic Landscape.  It's a bit hard to see as it is quite lacy due to it's toothpick bones.  I'm working more on the "skeleton" now so I can get to the flesh of it in April when I get back to Japan from Alfred.  
"Lady Leaves"
Oh! Here's the lady!
Happy Sunday.


Anonymous said...

ooh! i love the toothpicky sculpture! it looks like a junglegym.

megan bisbee said...

Thanks! It has already grown! I wish I had a junglegym like it... hrm... future house ideas...