Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Found Sculpture

I "found" this when I walked past a convenience store in the Ueno subway station in Tokyo.  
It was such an awesome color and delicate, energetic form that I ran back to take a photo.

I have been thinking more lately about ephemeral and impermanence in my work.  I like the preciousness of things that might fall apart unless we handle it with care.  I also like that something can be beautiful because it won't last forever (or in spite of the fact that it won't last forever, depending on your perspective.)  The virescent chartreuse  sculpture in the shot above might even be in the garbage by now.  Had it been made of something that could last 100 years, it wouldn't have looked the same because it couldn't have been made of the same materials and exist in the same context.  It just is the way it is. 

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