Monday, July 20, 2009

Art and Success Ramblings

One of the biggest things I struggle with is being "enough." This is particularly poinient in my art practice because it is very easy to want to scramble: to sell art, to sell jewelry, to submit work to shows, to go to residencies, to be productive. It is easy for me to make my successes define who I am. Unfortunately when I let those things define who I am, my glowing feelings that come out of that struggle for sucess's sake last about 1.34 seconds before I feel defeated and empty. It's not the success that's the problem. Selling art, showing, etc.-- those things are not a problem, they're part of being a professional artist. It's the struggling to achieve those things soley for the purpose of feeling sucessful. Success is important, but it will come naturally from going with my own flow in life. If I am disconnected with my natural flow I inevitably feel un-grounded and like I've been working for "the man" rather than for real experience and depth. I want my work to be about those things- real experience, personal evolution and depth- so in order for this to happen, I need to live what I want to make.


elisa said...

How true! It's so easy to get wraped up in the "I want to be successful" part of this career. I feel I'm constantly being sent emails from art coaches showing ways to sell and get ahead which is wonderful and very helpful but it takes me so far away from why I do this in the first place. Thanks for reminding me!

megan bisbee said...

Thanks for the feedback, Elisa! One thing is for sure, when I remember that this struggle is part of all artists' lives, it makes it seem more of an interesting challenge.

Michelle Summers said...


It's so easy to nick pick your self and everything you do and wonder am I doing enough? I think its always going to be a battle to find balance but at least we are in the battle and doing our best. And I also have been trying to walk away from over producing work, to trying to get back into making art. Its hard because I associate the amount of things made to successful productivity. Which I realize for me is not always the case. I know you always work so hard which inspires me all the time, so I'll be excited to see your new work after this epiphany.