Friday, November 6, 2009

Floating Cakes and Pastry Dates

"Dragon Tears"  
Just posted on etsy!

Last night Mikel and I ate a pile of Chinese pastries and then went to the The New Museum to see a Urs Fischer exhibit.  He likes tricks, like phantom exit signs and a floating croissant with a butterfly on it.  I like when his tricks move more into the sublime like on the 4th floor where he had a melting street lamppost, large aluminum blob-like sculptures that appear weightless, and a skeleton climbing into/out of a box.  The piece above was my favorite trick.  The cake is floating!  This was also in the room with the lamppost, blobs and skeleton.  Hot!

While looking in books in the museum shop I came across two AWESOME artists:

Then I went home and started gluing things together.  
A little inspiration goes a long way, especially when you've only had pastries for dinner.


Michelle Summers said...

Wow Megan those artists are amazing, I totally see a little of you in each of them so I'm not surprised you got so jazzed up ;)

megan bisbee said...

I know! Isn't it amazing that people you don't even know can be in the same wave length!? gotta love it. Collective conscience. xo