Thursday, April 15, 2010

Space Pants Strike Again!

"Space Dance Party Pants" earring.

Studio land before I disassembled my sculpture. I am cutting paper to attach to the wall so that it appeared that the sculpture was in a white room. I covered the base board and my closet. I must say I totally despise documenting my work BUT I had a thought recently that if I am in the creative "zone" that I am in when I made the work I take better pictures. I think it's because I look at my work with different eyes that depending on which are viewing the work, determine what the work looks like! So then is the documentation itself work on its own?

Bean! Dr. Pancake is a real cat now with huge ears, grey eyes and everything! But don't get confused by this photo and think he is a big dude. I documented his recent athletic excursions. He has taken to climbing my legs when I am in the kitchen.
I think one of his eyes is looking at my face and the other is looking at the camera... he's like Mad Eye Moody with his magical eye in Harry Potter.

Mmmmmorning light in the kitchen

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