Friday, February 20, 2009

Cherry Berry Swing

"Cherry Berry Bloom"
"Hide and Seek Mouse"
"Cherry Berry Swing"

So much jewelry on my blog lately, and so little non-jewelry art.  

Lately, I have been trying not to croak from some stomach craziness, organize our upcoming trip to Thailand (OK, Mikel has done most of the organizing...) and get some goodies packed up and mailed to awesome people in Florida.  

I have found a little time to be in the studio which has consisted of constructing my "Landscape of Enough" for Firehouse Gallery (by steadily gluing lots of fun bits together with my handy-dandy glue gun), and working on some acrylic image transfers (I forget if I can do a transfer using poly acrylic...  I guess I will find out!)  I refuse to use wintergreen oil at this point because I used a little too much my freshman year in college so to use it might not only make me feel a it ill, but it might transfer me back to that time period (smell is a strong memory sense).  There were many good things about that year, but really it was quite a difficult year.  Anyway, I refer the texture of acrylic transfers.

I'll get some non-jewelry images up soon!

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